Saturday, August 17, 2013

7 Days and Nights

Twenty-four hours after summer school ended Hubster and I hit the highway...
destination Oregon.

Santa Rosa, CA
Drove up the beautiful, bountiful Hwy 101

Eureka, CA 
and saw lots of pretty coastline and cute little towns

Crescent City ( ? ) Lighthouse

some interesting man-made sights

Redwood Hwy, CA
 and much more impressive natural sights.

with frequent al fresco dining.

Finally made it to Oregon!

just trying out a new look for the camera; LOL

Lots of wildlife

amazing natural beauty 

and mile after mile after mile after mile after mile after mile after mile of trees

Oregon was beautiful, breathtaking, and boring ( sorry Oregonians )

So we made a U turn and landed in our favorite city by the bay...

San Francisco!!

And then we shopped

E&O Trading Company

and ate

and shopped

Ruth Chris Steakhouse

and ate

  and shopped

Britex Fabrics; amazing fabric emporium

Gaylords Indian Restaurant 

and ate

and then it was time to say good-bye to San Francisco and our darling girlies

 and after seven days and nights we finally headed home. 

I love LA!


  1. yesss you posted the elk-face picture!

    1. Thought she just ingested too much Tillamook cheese. :-O

  2. Portland, Oregon is not of the coolest towns if you know how to navigate it. Look up my daughter next time you get that far north. :-) Hope you had a lovely birthday!
