Today was a great day when work overlaps with love...
I booked a field trip to an amazing millinery company owned by three time milliner of the year-
Louise Green
AND Louise Green gave the students the tour of her company that she created, runs and is the nucleus of all designs for the past 30 years.
AND Louise Green is the nicest, approachable, humble entrepreneur ever!
I love hats; looking at hats, wearing hats, taking hat classes, trying to make successful hats.
I just love hats.
Going inside this 9,000 foot warehouse/manufacturing facility was like Charlie entering the Chocolate Factory! It was magical and literally a hub of creativity.
Note the spools of colored threads hanging from the ceiling!
Accessories For All!!
And in case you didn't believe how nice and fun Louise Green is- she insisted the entire class put on hats ( that each cost hundreds of dollars ! ) and take a photo with her.
Best field trip ever.
ps. if I hadn't just bought a new bike I would have loved to have bought a hat :(
but, now I have a reason to return :)